September is a huge month for mental health, with Women’s Health Week (6-10th Sept), R U OK? Day (9th Sept) and World Suicide Prevention Day (10th Spetember), and the team at Cosmetic Skin Therapies Canberra like to make sure they are doing their part in supporting mental health awareness.

In pre covid times, as an ‘ice breaker’ and way to spark a chat about mental health, you would usually catch the CST team in bright and crazy socks during the month of September. However, with the ACT lockdown changing the way we do things at the moment, the CST team are approaching mental health awareness month a little differently.

‘I think this year more than ever, it is an important conversation’ says clinic owner, Shelby O’Toole. Right alongside the COVID pandemic, there is a silent mental health pandemic going on, and the numbers are extremely concerning.

This year, the CST Canberra staff will be doing a mental health first aid course, in addition to their normal professional development. Shelby says that this will not only help her team to be prepared as professionals for some of the things they hear behind closed doors, but also to learn more about recognising some signs of people who might be struggling, as well as knowing where to direct them for help.

Shelby says, in her line of work, her team meet people every day who have low self-esteem for a magnitude of reasons, and as Cosmetic Nurses, she and her team can have a really positive impact by listening to their concerns, validating them, whilst also making them feel comfortable and empowered to move forward with treatment.

‘Sometimes, having treatments done can be seen as something so taboo and people are often worried they will be judged or criticized for their choices. Parts of me understand that this is because some treatments, when taken too far, can make people look strange, and that is not the goal, so I do see why people hesitate and worry – On the other hand, i meet a lot of people who tell me they wish they didn’t wait, because taking off their pigment, controlling their acne or removing their frown lines has made them feel so much more confident’ Shelby tells us.

Follow along to see what the CST get up to during Mental Heath Awareness Month here.

Does your skin need some loving during lockdown? CST are currently offering virtual skin consultations, email to book.

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