BOSS WOMAN SERIES 233 | Rachel from Shine Om

What is your drink of choice? (doesn’t have to be alcoholic)

I am a tea drinker, yet I love a good espresso martini.

Tell us about YOU?

I’m Rach, Managing Director and Founder of Shine Om. I craft wellness experiences and self-care products to make kids, teens, and families shine from the inside out.

When I’m not teaching, coaching and crafting, you’ll find me on active adventures, which I share on Spirit Quest Travel (@SpiritQuestTravel). I love nature, moving my body and connecting with good humans, so you’ll see me hiking, mountain biking, swimming in the sea, or enjoying cheese and crackers with those I love.

Tell us about Shine Om and how it came to be?

As a teacher, I noticed children becoming more stressed and anxious and were increasingly diagnosed with mood disorders. I reflected on what worked for me, and I knew yoga, mindfulness, meditation, a natural skincare routine, and essential oils helped calm the farm. I was aware of limited age-appropriate support, so I brought these practices into the classroom with a child-friendly approach.

After every break, my class and I would have mindfulness meditation, and after lunch, we’d have relaxation. I’d spray my Calm The Farm spritz and use my essential oils in the room, which the kids could access themselves when needed, and we’d do yoga ‘the fun way’ to give our bodies and minds a break from learning.

I witnessed the kids self-regulating using the breath, essential oils, and yoga techniques I’d taught them from these daily habits. They became more focused and connected to themselves and each other.

From these experiences, I launched my business to support children and their families outside of the school environment. I incorporated the self-care range that includes child-friendly essential oils blends, massage oils and natural skincare to nourish families and promote healthy habits in the home. Our products are safe for kids and are handmade in Canberra using natural and Australian sourced ingredients.

I aspire to share my wisdom learned from formal training and life experience to develop a community of mindful and connected individuals from birth to adulthood.

Do you have any lessons learnt/things you would do differently for those starting out in the business world? 

Take courses in areas you feel less confident in or hire an expert in these areas. Outsourcing allows you to showcase your strengths and focus on your expertise. You don’t get accolades for burning out. Be humble and take care of yourself.

How can we support Shine Om? 

I would be thrilled to see you or your mindful minis on the mat, so join one of our classes or purchase our self-care products to have a statement of love in your routine. 

You can follow Shine Om on Instagram and Facebook at @ShineOmAU. 

Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality?

Find your passion, explore your niche and go for it! Owning your own business is the most rewarding and challenging thing you’ll do in your career, and I absolutely love it. 

And kindness goes a long way. There is plenty of room for everyone, so be patient, kind and focused on your goals and vision, and you will be successful. 

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