What is your drink of choice?
Bulletproof coffee which is an expresso shot blended with organic butter and MCT oil. It is creamy and delicious with so many health benefits. It is a great way to fuel my mind and body when I need a little extra energy.
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi I am Melissa, I was born and raised in Canberra, I am the mother of two beautiful babies and the owner of Functional Health Canberra.
I help people bring together the elements required to reach their goals and create long lasting health changes using a combination of Functional Nutrition and Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
I come from a Croatian background and so does my husband, food in our culture like many cultures is so important.
Tell us about Functional Health Canberra and how it came to be?
Years of failed weight loss diets sparked my initial interest in nutrition. I was confused and wanted to end my own personal struggles with food and weight.
The more I studied, the more my perceptive shifted, as did my relationship with food. I no longer look at food as the enemy but a way to care and nourish my body. Although, even with all the nutrition knowledge and new perspective I was still unable to shift the old negative habits. It was when I came across EFT Tapping that …
EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a powerful stress management tool sometimes referred to as Tapping or emotional acupuncture without needles. It is based on a combination of principles from ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.
How can we support Functional Health Canberra?
EFT is a phenomenal tool which can help resolve a broad range of issues, it has helped my clients with issues such as workplace stress and anxiety, resistance to exercise, food cravings and break free from emotional eating patterns.
My goal at Functional Health Canberra is to help my clients cultivate a positive relationship with food. Combining functional nutrition and tapping has been my winning formula to help people achieve and maintain their health goals.
If you are interested in new techniques to tackle your health, I’d love to hear from you. You can contact me via my website

Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?
If you told me a few years ago I would own my own business, I would not believe you. I never thought I had the courage to share my personal story and struggles with food and weight.
I am so glad I did. I love sharing my knowledge and teaching people a different way of thinking about food and health.
If it is fear that is holding you back, you can shift it. It is worth it!