What is your drink of choice?

peppermint tea ☕️

Tell us a little bit about yourself? 

I’m a mum of 3 little terrors (a dog and 2 cats), and when I’m not working I love a chilling with them at home, cooking, painting, singing, or reorganising my house haha. I have always had a bunch of interests, which I sometimes struggle with as I find it hard to really focus on one thing. I generally just love being creative and bringing ideas to life, and I love the feeling of making people happy, or ‘sparking joy’ through whatever it is I’m doing.

Tell us about The Beautique and how it came to be?

My first real stint in the beauty industry was when I decided to do a makeup course back in 2011. I was completing my degree in Advertising and Marketing communication at the UC, and managing a small supermarket at the time. I really wanted that creative outlet and loved how makeup could be used for expression, but also how I could use it to make people feel really good. I fell in love with the industry and continued to study nails and beauty therapy. I studied nights while working full time and practiced nail art any chance I got, and started taking clients from a tiny little room I made out of my parent’s garage. Eventually, I moved into my house in Harrison and expanded my salon to the front room, hired my first staff – and 7 years after starting my makeup course, I opened up The Beautique in Franklin. Not without a whole lot of blood sweat and tears!

How can we support The Beautique?

Following us on our socials, staying connected, and just showing your love. If you’re a client of ours, we appreciate receiving Google reviews and love seeing us tagged in your posts and stories

Any advice for those wanting to turn their dream into a reality?

Do it, do it! If you feel compelled to do something – that’s the universe telling you straight up that this is right – but, that doesn’t mean you should rush anything. When you do something you love, be sure to remain authentic, and do all the research you can. Ask questions all the time. How can I make this work, what can I offer that is different, and just start somewhere. It’s ok to make mistakes and it is very important to ask for help when you need it.

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