Tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Vanessa and I am a single mother of 2 beautiful boys aged 10 and 5. I work in the government full-time and have my business on the side. I used to be a makeup artist and used to dance Salsa and Brazilian Samba. One day I’d like to go back to dancing as it had my heart. I am a person on a mission always as I have plenty to juggle but I need to work on settling the mind as it’s always going one hundred miles an hour. Maybe I will make another attempt at calming my mind in 2022. I love music, it fuels my soul and the majority of my playlist is in another language. My day is made when I am recommended a new song, I literally want to start dancing wherever I am.

Tell us about Moroccan Bronze and Azzia The Tanning Suit and how it came to be?

Moroccan Bronze started 13 years ago. I was on maternity leave at the time and felt like there needed to be more tanning salons available, so I decided then and there that I would start spray tanning. A few free tans in the beginning to test out my skills has turned into a 13 year relationship with so many amazing clients and I have no plans on stopping. I am a people person and I love making people feel good. AZZIA the tanning suit came into my mind when I realised that no one knew what to wear to their tan, but needed something that they could wear in the car without putting a towel down or needing to run into the servo to get petrol. AZZIA solves that issue. She can then be worn to bed, so you can get the most comfortable sleep whilst protecting your tan. She is adorable, breathable and very versatile. AZZIA will be available for presale in January via the website link on both instagram pages.

Do you have any lessons learnt/things you would do differently to share with others starting out in the business world?

When starting a business it’s very much trial and error. Always research and ask questions, you can never stop learning. Make sure you consider Trademarking your business name. I have learnt a very big lesson whilst researching this!! When it comes to launching a new product you need time, patience, an extensive task list and research every aspect of what is required and what costs are involved. Outsource where you can to find balance. Your task list should be extensive! Azzia the tanning suit started a year ago and I am still working through the task list. Don’t rush time. Plan all the way.

How can we support your businesses?

Word of mouth is amazing! Engaging, liking and sharing the socials with friends who you think would love an amazing spray tan or tanning suit, would make me smile. It doesn’t take much to make me smile.

Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality

We are the only ones that stand in the way of ourselves! If you have the passion then you only need yourself and you can do great things.

Don’t let social media make you feel like what you have or who you are, are not worthy. Only follow people who inspire you! You just have to believe in yourself.

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