What is your drink of choice? (doesn’t have to be alcoholic)ZH – campos 3/4 cap first thing in the morning to get ready for the day, and then another one at 10 to pick me up
LH – cups of tea throughout the day to keep me going, always with half a teaspoon of Majura Valley Honey for extra sweetness

Tell us a little bit about yourselves?
We both grew up on our dads farm in the Majura Valley. Not only did we both work there with Dad, we also would go to our grandparents farm nearly every weekend and through school holidays to work with our Pop.
ZH – After I graduated year 12 in 2015, I immediately started working full time in business services & taxation. I continued to work full time through uni, balancing work, studies and the ongoing demands of Majura valley honey, but I think for both myself and Lily, we thrive off being under the pump.
LH – I recently just started studying at the University of Sydney after graduating school last year. While balancing my studies, I continue to travel back and forth to Canberra to maintain the business. I enjoy going back home to see my family and friends as well as going out to the farm and helping dad.
We both love the farm lifestyle and have all intent to return back to the land one day.
Tell us about Majura Valley Honey and how it came to be
Having grown up on a cattle and sheep farm we were very fortunate to have the best produce at hand – along with our grandparents veggie patch of course! Once we had discovered natural raw honey we refused to eat “supermarket brands” from that moment on, Capilano is not something you ever saw in our pantry ????
We wanted to broaden the local produce available in Canberra and from this, along came the idea of honey.

How can we support Majura Valley Honey?
Give us a like on Instagram & facebook and of course buy some of our amazing honey!
Alternatively you can purchase jars at Go Vita Woden & Canberra city, Pialligo estate grocer & Mt Majura vineyard
We also have wholesale options available.
Any advice for those who are thinking about turning their dreams into a reality?What have you go to lose? Go for gold, the longer the wait, the more time running out to build your brand!