theCBRwoman presents “The High Coffee” networking event for Canberra business women. Taking a twist on the traditional High Tea events, the High Coffee event will be serving savoury & sweet artisan baked goods by Lepi Artisan Bakery, paired with a complimentary coffee or hot beverage from Ona Coffee. This unique event is for our local business community of women where you’ll have an opportunity to connect with others and learn how to create a high impact brand.
10:00am-12:00pm, Saturday 4 May 2024 at Ona Roasters Warehouse, 68 Wollongong Street, Fyshwick
Amy Radunz is a transformational business and marketing consultant who has worked with major
national and international brands over the last 12 years. Having worked with speakers and brands such as

Ita Buttrose, Lola Berry, Jaguar, Loving Earth and many more, she knows all too well what it takes to create a credible brand, and for a brand to be seen and heard with great impact. Amy has personally started and sold numerous online and brick and mortar businesses across Australia, whilst also having coached clients across many industries to increase their business exposure and their revenue by up to 400% in a 12 month period.
During this High Coffee Event, Amy will be sharing her top tips you can apply to your business to create high impact.
Nick Samaras
Founder and Publisher of Newstime Media
Nick Samaras along side Julie Samaras started Canberra Weekly in 2009 with a small team of just four

including them), which has since grown considerably. The media landscape has changed dramatically over the past 15 years, so we’ve shifted to having a bigger online and social media presence. The magazine pick-up remains strong to this day, but there’s no denying the need for daily updates on the website and social media platforms as the world continues to evolve.
During this High Coffee Event, Nick will be discussing how your own brand can make an effective impact through the use of media.
Bought to you by theCBRwoman, Ona Coffee, Lepi Bakery and Canberra Daily, Canberra Weekly Magazine.